The value of Environmental Sustainability in the Shipping Industry

The rapidly interconnectedness of the world in the current era of globalization has witnessed drastic changes and new trends in the shipping industry. Trade through the deep waters has always had its importance. Cargo shipping is the focal point of the shipping industry. The supply chains are integrated now, it has increased the demands of the value added services in the logistics business. As every business requires a value addition in the services provided by any company. With the passage of time, the shipping industry has become the integral part of world trade. Hence, more cargo ships are travelling in the seas.

Problems to the Environment

During the past decades, environmental sustainability is discussed among the power corridors of all the developed nations. It has become an important topic for the globe. As the environment is polluted by the rapid industrial growth as well as the never ending urbanization, the world needs to think about sustainability. Because the environment needs to be cleaner and safer for the coming generations. The same scenario is seen in the waters. The sea waters are polluted by the toxic waste of the ships. Oil spillage is also another problem. Marine life is destroyed. Be it the coral reefs or the deep sea species, all suffer from the environmental degradation caused by human beings.

What the world has already done

The global trade has posed serious threats on marine life as well as the sea water pollution. The carbon emissions disrupting the water cycle cause serious disturbances in the climate. The importance of cutting down carbon dioxide emissions is discussed globally now. The need of reducing emissions is to save the sea environment from the ever increasing pollution. Many international meetings, conventions, conferences and agendas address the sustainability issue. For example, Kyoto Protocol under the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change suggests the reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. Montreal Protocol for the protection of the ozone layer. Barcelona Convention for protection of marine environment is also an example. There are other examples too like Agenda 21.

Compliance with the Regulations

Shipping industry has to comply with the policies and regulations set by the environmental specialists. These policy measures will be enforced in the world. Every state will be required to comply with these regulations. Ship owners are required to focus on investment strategies since there is a serious need to curb the emissions that are fatal to the environment. Based on the current degradation of marine life and sea pollution, the shipping industry needs to focus on environmentally friendly sustainable solutions. The shipping industry also needs to decrease the emissions of greenhouse gases in the environment.

Steps needed to be taken by shipping industry

Some of the steps that can be immediately taken for the sustainable shipping industry are as follows:

1. Fuel technologies can be focused in the beginning. Cost effective solutions must be preferred. Alternative fuels can be used in the ships which create less carbon dioxide emissions.

2. The emissions of greenhouse gases should be reduced. The fuel efficient engines should be used in the ships. It can also help in sustainability of the environment.

3. The air pollution caused by the ship should be reduced. Nitrogen dioxide, Sulfur dioxide and particulate matter emissions must be reduced.

4. The wastes generated by the ships should be addressed by proper legislation.

Sustainable Shipping is possible

The current days of climate change where ice caps are melting and species are becoming endangered show that all the industries should work in the sustainable manner. Shipping industry should also follow the world in this domain. The initial cost of designing ships that are fuel efficient will be large but it is the need of the time. The freight and cargo industry will face a decrease in the profit in the beginning but there is no other way of protecting the environment.

Final Thoughts

It is undoubtedly one of the most challenging tasks of the 21st century to have sustainable shipping. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is using legislative measures to make the shipping industry adopt the “green shipping” idea. This idea is based on reduced emissions resulting in less pollution. Sustainable shipping industry has to take such initiatives that are based on research which is a high investment. With a sincere and coordinated effort, the shipping industry can also become a part of environmental sustainability. There will be initial hurdles but the shipping industry can successfully achieve the sustainability requirements for the betterment of the environment.

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